Diana Maria Chapin


To fight, feed, free or flow…that is the question: the power of knowing you can choose

There\’s certainly no one-size fits all structure for assessing life, but when it comes to looking at the relationships, conditions, environments and situations of our life that create stress in our bodymind, sometimes a simple framework is useful to begin sorting things out. It\’s an art to become objective about our subjective human experience. In

To fight, feed, free or flow…that is the question: the power of knowing you can choose Read More »

Difficult People: Surviving Challenging Relationships with Energy Medicine

It started out as an ordinary family holiday, everyone gathered in the kitchen, the happy din of chatter and laughter, people cooking, people playing games at the kitchen table.  We eagerly anticipated the feast.  I was sitting at the table having a delightful conversation with a family member who was in her first year of

Difficult People: Surviving Challenging Relationships with Energy Medicine Read More »

This is how the naturally easy meditation practice of Yoga Nidra can inform, transform and heal your life

For years I thought meditation was about struggling to quiet my thoughts.  Suddenly one day, I understood that meditation isn’t about focusing on not thinking, it’s focusing on something that’s not thought.  It’s about getting our awareness out of our head and placing our awareness on our bodymind, on our consciousness. Before this epiphany I

This is how the naturally easy meditation practice of Yoga Nidra can inform, transform and heal your life Read More »

This is how awareness of your energy can help heal your mind, body & life

Call Diana at 207-249-2261 I looked around me, in the sea of 1200 people and I realized everyone here seemed like a perfectly “ordinary” person. And we were: there was no single demographic, no common identity other than human.  We represented every skin pigmentation, the expanse of educational backgrounds, every point on the monetary spectrum

This is how awareness of your energy can help heal your mind, body & life Read More »

7 ways to transform your self-image and master your inner energy using energy healing and meditation

Call Diana at 207-249-2261 Our attention is the most precious, powerful creative essence on Earth.  Whatever has our attention has our energy. Think for just a moment about what in your life holds your attention, and therefore your creative energy. Are the things that have your attention life-giving? Do they support your peace and feelings

7 ways to transform your self-image and master your inner energy using energy healing and meditation Read More »

You, Mastermind: Moving from matter to energy and changing your mind about who you really are

Call Diana at 207-249-2261 We live in a culture that would have us believe that authority resides outside of us.  It’s a contradictory, inconsistent culture that simultaneously demands we find common-ground and figure out and agree on what\’s \”right,\” while it also relentlessly diverts our attention away from the very thing that will help us

You, Mastermind: Moving from matter to energy and changing your mind about who you really are Read More »

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